15 May

We are all trying to tighten the purse strings to get us through the next few months. There are little things that you can do which can help your bank balance right now. Here are 15 top tips to help.

  1. Change energy supplier. If you are thinking that this is too much hassle then you are wrong. Utility Warehouse Agents are able to talk you through cost savings online and over the phone, and organise the switch without you having to do a thing. You can potentially save hundreds of pounds a year. We have a great agent for you to contact. Cathy Ellis email cme0903@googlemail.com or call 0795 0031420.
  2. Have a look at your bank account and cancel any unnecessary direct debits. They may only be small but they do add up. Many people still pay for a bank account, is this really necessary? Have a look at if the benefits of paying for your account outweighs the cost.
  3. Make a list of all of your outgoings and see if you can trim down what you are paying out.
  4. Is your mobile phone due for renewal? Providers generally let you upgrade early and you could be on a more expensive tariff than you need to be. Keep in mind that when you upgrade a phone the cost is commercially factored into the deal, so you are actually paying for the handset. The more expensive the handset is, the more expensive the monthly payments will be. The same goes for your internet provider, are you paying for a more expensive tariff than you need to be?
  5. Is your car insurance up for renewal. Don’t take the first renewal quote that you are offered. Shop around using comparison sites and go back to your current provider with your best quote. Chances are your current insurer will match your best offer.
  6. If you are struggling to pay any bills at the moment, credit cards, mortgage, rent etc. Speak to them. Companies are all in the same boat and many are receiving help from the government and therefore more likely to be able to help you by offering payment holidays or reduced payments.
  7. Before ordering online or going food shopping, empty out your cupboards. Have a look at what you have already. We are all guilty of squirrelling away tins at the back of a cupboard, so pull out everything and take stock of what you have already.
  8. When shopping, opt for own brands. They are a fraction of the price and in most cases, just as good.
  9. Plan your shopping around the meals you are going to make in the week. By planning meals, you will find it easier to stick to a budget. Shopping online will help you stay focussed and not be tempted by products that you don’t actually need.
  10. Stop leaving appliances on standby or lights on in rooms that you aren’t using. Small changes make a big difference.
  11. Have you checked your nectar card balance lately? Lots of shops have loyalty cards and you could have money ready to spend without you even realising it.
  12. Have a clear out. You are potentially sitting on a pot of money. ‘One mans trash is another mans treasure’. Having a clear out will not only help your mental wellbeing it will help you make some money. Even if you don’t sell anything right now and wait for the lockdown to be over, you will have a stock of items to sell further along the line.
  13. Can you make money online? There are plenty of online businesses today. Shop around for a reputable company and see if you could make a little money on the side.
  14. Speak to your family and friends. Now more than ever, we are communicating regularly with friends and family online or on the phone. Share money saving ideas and tips. Someone maybe doing something that you never considered or using a provider of services that has saved them money. Personal recommendations are the best when it comes to changing providers.
  15. Birthdays and anniversary gifts can be expensive. Rather than overspending on a gift or voucher, spend some time thinking about an alternative option. We are not all creative at making something but consider giving something more personal like a photo montage or memory book. The internet is overflowing with ideas so get those creative juices flowing.

More than anything, stay safe and if you are struggling then reach out for help.

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